Aquatics review 2016

This year the year 6/7 classes and the 5/6 class went to port Noarlunga for an aquatics program. We went on Monday and Tuesday week 5 term 1. The purpose of the aquatics program is to try new things that challenge us or to improve our current skills.

After arriving at the beach in the bus’s, we were sorted into groups according to which activities we were doing first. I did wave skiing as my first activity. Wave skiing is sort of kayaking except you can stand up on the wave ski. Our group started off by learning how to paddle properly and how to get back on if we fall off. Then we paddled out into deep-ish water and just paddled around for a while.

After recess at around 11:45 AM I went surfing with some other kids. I did pretty well in my opinion. Considering it was my first attempt at surfing. We did things like learning how to stand on a board before we went into the water. The sea was pretty flat so we didn’t go very deep. Then we went to lunch.

After lunch we did a river walk along the port Noarlunga river. We learned lots of things about the river and the sand dunes on either side of it. Then we went back to school at around 2:45 PM so that we got to school at 3:05 PM

The next day we did the same things as the day before except we went deeper on the paddle skis and the sea was so flat we couldn’t catch any waves more than 5 metres out from the shore. And instead of a river walk, we did a reef walk. We went out to the reef on boats with nothing on our feet except thick socks or soft shoes so as not to damage the reef. We learned lots then.

I really enjoyed surfing even though the water was flat and the reef walk at low tide.
I learned how to stand on a surf board and wave ski and how to identify crustatians on the reef. I think it would be an improvement if the program ran for a whole week and we got to do everything. Next time I will do snorkelling and maybe surfing again.
I loved aquatics!


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