Anzac day

What is the Tomb Of The Unkown Soldier?

Is a WWI soldier whos remains were never identified. His coffin is in Canberra.


What is ANZAC Day?

ANZAC Day is a day when we commemerate the Australian and New Zealand soldiers that sacrificed themselves, for their country.

Why do we commemerate ANZAC Day?

We commemerate ANZAC Day because we respect the soldiers who served their country, risking their life for ours.

What is a tidal ecosystem?

A tidal ecosystem is an area that gets exposed, but also goes under the water at times, according to tides.

Why are they important?

Tidal ecosystems are important for animals that feed on the food that comes with the tide.

Where can you find a tidal ecosystem?

You can find them at rivers and certain bridges. Some tidal ecosystems are St Kilda Mangroves and Hallet Cove beach.

What kind of animals live in a tidal ecosystem?

Little crabs, fish and many others little creatures.

Some others are barnacles, stars, algue, rays, mussels and sea snails.
