ANZAC Day questions!


Last year (2015) was the 100th anniversary of when ANZACs started War in 1915! I went to the Port Adelaide game at the Oval and there was a big memorial for it. I love to research about ANZAC Day because it is very interesting to research and I love it.

We commemorate ANZAC Day because everybody should remember the men who died for us and fought for England. Men and Women shouldn’t have gone over there but they did it for England because they are a proud country and will put there lives at stake for other people. I respect this day and I think it is a great way to remember the soldiers who died in World War One.

Tidal Ecosystems

What is a tidal ecosystem? A Tidal Ecosystem is the area between a high and low tide where organisms live.

Why are they important? Tidal Ecosystems are important because they provide homes for living organisms such as mangrove, muscles, crabs etc.

Where can you find a tidal ecosystem? Saint Kilda Mangroves is a Tidal Ecosystem located north of Adelaide.

What kinds of animals live in an ecosystem? The kind of animals that live there are crabs, barnacles, brittle stars, algae, small fish, rays, muscles, sea snails etc.


Aquatics Recount. By Ben S.

This week on Monday and Tuesday all the year 6/7s went to aquatics at Port Noarlunga Beach. On the Monday we got there and I was so excited. I sat next to Aidan on the bus. First of all some instructors and teachers talked to us about what would happen through out the day.

My first activity was wave skiing. It was so fun. We went out deep and practiced capsizing and had a lot of fun. Then we went back to base and had a bit of recess.

My next activity was surfing. That was so fun too. That day there was a nice few waves so we caught some good ones. My favourite part of the day though had to be the reef walk. My instructor was Benny and he taught  me loads for my project. The best part though was the boat ride because the driver made it so fun because we did donuts and went really fast.

The second day was good as well. We did pretty much the same in wave skiing but went out a lot further. Surfing was different though because there wasn’t much waves so we didn’t catch much good surfs.  That day we didn’t do the reef walk but we did do a fiver walk which was quite fun.

Over all I enjoyed my two days at aquatics. I learned a lot about the reef, like why the big gap is there and about the living creatures there. Next year I would do snorkelling and surfing though.




One hundred word challenge: By Ben Senior

This is my one hundred word challenge. One of the things that make me happy the most has to be football (soccer). I love this because not only am I good at it. I enjoy playing it. I enjoy playing it so much because my Dad coaches my club and school team and I get to be with friends while doing it. One of the other things I enjoy is playing my Play Station Four. I play games like Cod, Fallout 4, Star Wars etc. on of the last things I enjoy most is just hanging out with my family and friends. Thanks for reading everyone. Hope you enjoyed. 😬👍🏼